2008年11月14日 星期五
中華民國畢竟不是台灣 作者李敏勇
2008年11月13日 星期四
電影:黑書 & 色戒

來源:AOL台灣 發布時間:2008-11-13 15:30:00
70~80年代初期在荷蘭影壇崛起,並以其媲美希區考克的豐富電影語言、與大量包含性與暴力的商業元素震撼國際的大導演保羅范赫文Paul Verhoeven,在被好萊塢網羅,陸續完成了全球票房奏捷、且獨具風格的娛樂經典名作如《機器戰警》Robocop、《魔鬼總動員》Total Recall、《第六感追緝令》Basic Instincts、《星艦戰將》Starship Troopers與《透明人》Hollow Man後,已經儼然是全球影壇大師級人物的保羅范赫文,決定重返歐洲製片環境,以荷蘭影史上拍攝成本最高的二次大戰諜報浪漫電影《黑書》 Zwartboek,完成他個人多年來期待實現的電影夢想。
這部與他在好萊塢時期拍攝作品風格有著明顯區隔的史詩鉅片,在威尼斯影展正式競賽首映後便引起廣大迴響,並贏得該影展青年評審團頒發的最佳國際電影殊榮, 隨後電影在包括英、法、德等歐洲地區上映後掀起風潮,在導演故鄉荷蘭更是連霸七週票房冠軍,遠遠拋下同檔好萊塢強片對手,之後《黑書》更囊括了包括歐洲電影獎最佳影片與女主角提名、荷蘭電影金像獎最佳影片、導演、女主角三項大獎、以及英國電影金像獎的最佳外語片提名等多項國際級大獎肯定,堪稱導演保羅范赫 文一生中最受影評與觀眾肯定的巔峰力作。
被反抗軍收容的瑞秋為了執行滲透敵營的任務,她徹底地改頭換面、拋棄過往,成為美艷的金髮尤物艾莉絲,她奉命接近德國指揮官蒙茲,蒙茲對艾莉絲的迷戀表現 在對她無疑的接納與無私的包容上,兩人情慾交纏的關係暗藏著秘密與矛盾,然而當艾莉絲利用蒙茲對自己的信任,執行的一場救援計畫因自己同胞的背叛而失敗曝 光後,艾莉絲頓時成為德軍和反抗軍共同的敵人,眾叛親離的艾莉絲再度過著流亡避難的日子,而此時不惜冒生命危險陪在她身邊守護她的,不是別人,正是她欺騙利用的德國指揮官蒙茲。
華麗壯闊的戰爭場面、大膽露骨的情慾描寫、意外不斷的驚悚情節以及對角色心理的細膩刻畫,保羅范赫文的《黑書》不僅保有他個人獨具的影像風格,也是他從影生涯中手法最成熟、情感層次最豐富的唯一史詩鉅作,描寫戰爭下人性的光明與黑暗面,絲毫不落入同類電影的俗套。甫在2008年被荷蘭權威電影期刊讀者票選 為『史上最偉大的荷蘭電影第一名』的《黑書》,是一部無論就娛樂性還是藝術性都無法挑剔的經典傑作,影迷切勿錯過在大銀幕觀賞的絕佳機會!


似乎偏向靜態 緩慢流動地描述
2008年11月9日 星期日
放空福斯股 避險基金狂賠1兆續二 另一戰場


由 J Chiang (Autoblog) 於 2008/11/04 - 01:10 發表
在金融海嘯橫掃全球之際,儘管有許多的好公司都在這一波危機中被錯殺,但Volkswagen汽車公司的股價在德國法蘭克福股市的股價卻是逆勢上揚,而Volkswagen在股價勁揚的推升下,其市值也一舉超越了美國的艾克森美孚(Exxon-Mobil)石油公司。在德國時間10月28日的早上,法蘭克福股市一開盤,Volkswagen的股價就一路飆漲至每股1005.01歐元,儘管在稍後 Volkswagen的股價回到了每股650歐元的價位,但Volkswagen在這一天的收盤價比開盤時仍高出了25%,其中最大的原因乃是 Porsche仍不斷從股票市場上大肆收購Volkswagen的股份,儘管包括政府部門或Volkswagen員工組成的工會都不樂見Porsche完 成購併大業,但Volkswagen的股價飆漲不僅嘉惠了持有Volkswagen的投資人,同時也讓Volkswagen成為全球市值最高的公司。然 而,在金融海嘯仍不斷肆虐的當下,許多家國際車廠的股價也受到了相當嚴重的波及,包括法國PSA/Peugeot-Citroen集團的市值已然跌掉了 25%,而美國GM公司的股市也回到了1950年代的水準,反而是Volkswagen則是在各方因素推波助瀾下,公司股價比起去年同期還上漲了超過 77%。
美聯社評抗爭 台灣與中國 像不同星球
兩手策略 中促美停止對台軍售
China envoy's Taiwan trip highlights differences
Nov 6, 8:42 PM EST
Associated Press Writer
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- He stepped off the plane with a mission: Make history by becoming the most senior Chinese official to visit Taiwan. Sign a landmark trade deal. Draw the wayward island closer to motherland China.
Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin did all those things during his trip that ended Friday. But his five-day visit also highlighted how - socially and politically - Taiwan and China are not merely like two separate countries. They are more like different planets.
While Chen hobnobbed with tycoons and officials on Taiwan's banquet circuit, he was mocked by comedians, cursed by rowdy street protesters and scrutinized by the island's aggressive media.
The press dubbed his Elvis-style pompadour hairdo "airplane head." A newspaper headline asked, "Who knows how much hair gel he uses?"
A popular chant by street protesters who dogged him was, "Chen Yunlin scram!" They unfurled a huge banner from a window at his hotel that called him a "Communist bandit." He was trapped in a banquet hall past midnight Wednesday by demonstrators who surrounded the venue and blocked traffic.
A nightly TV comedy show that features impersonations of political figures targeted him, too, with a comedian appearing as a stiff, poofy-haired Chen with two thuggish bodyguards at his side and mimicking the slow, stodgy way Chinese leaders speak.
Parody and protests are common in Taiwan's raucous democracy. They wouldn't be tolerated in Chen's communist police state back home, just 100 miles on the other side of the Taiwan Strait. The nation's top leaders must be respected - by everyone.
Despite the insults and mockery, Chen declared his trip a success as he ended his visit Friday. But he cautioned that the rivals had a long road to travel toward better relations.
"We have successfully accomplished this memorable voyage," he said. "We have completed the mission that people across the strait have long desired and have handed over to us."
But in a possible dig at the protesters, Chen assured the Taiwanese that if they visit China, they will see "harmony everywhere."
"We believe the future road is long but we will shoulder it and face up to this and that difficulty," he said.
Chen's Taiwanese counterpart, Chiang Pin-kung, also declared that the trip was successful, saying Taiwanese "will continue to strive for our ultimate goal of peace across the strait and a win-win economic situation."
Chen's visit was remarkable because it would have been virtually impossible a year ago.
That's when Taiwan had a president, Chen Shui-bian, who was despised by Beijing because he favored permanent independence. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949, and China says Taiwan has two choices: eventual unification or war.
Communist leaders refused to talk to Chen during his eight years in office, and they never sat down with the previous Taiwan-based presidents, who were staunch anti-Communists who dreamed of toppling Beijing's regime.
But the icy relations went into a fiery wok six months ago with the election of Ma Ying-jeou as Taiwan's president. The former Taipei mayor pledged to forge closer ties with China, where Taiwanese businesses have invested billions in recent years despite the political animosities.
However, Ma has promised not to begin unification talks during his four-year term. He understands that polls have long shown the majority of Taiwanese favor the status quo: no unification and no moves toward independence that could spark a war.
Ma has also assured the public he won't let Beijing bully the island into unifying.
"Taiwan's future will be decided by its 23 million people," Ma said Thursday before meeting with Chen.
Beijing seized on Ma's China-friendly policy, and the agreement Chen and his Taiwanese counterpart, Chiang Pin-kung, signed Tuesday marked a big leap forward in relations. The pact drastically increased air and shipping links, while providing measures for cooperation on food safety.
The two sides also agreed to hold high-level talks every six months, with the next round focusing on financial issues.
Business groups have applauded the closer ties because they believe Taiwan will have greater access to one of the world's fastest growing economies. Many of the street protesters, however, complained that Ma was getting ahead of public opinion and being too accommodating to China.
"Ma is sucking up to China by degrading Taiwan's sovereignty and this humiliates our country," said Ko Kai-liang, 40.
But Alexander Huang, political science professor at Taipei's Tamkang University, said the new agreement is significant and beneficial to Taiwan.
"The transport links will help ease political and military relations. Both sides will continue to modernize their defenses, but the chances for a military conflict will be significantly reduced," he said.
This would be good for the U.S., which has repeatedly warned Beijing it might defend Taiwan if China attacked. Washington's close ties with Taiwan and its weapons sales to the island have long irked Beijing.
On Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang rhetorically laid down a marker for President-elect Barack Obama. Qin told reporters in Beijing that Taiwan was the "most sensitive issue" in China's relations with America.
"We hope the U.S. will properly handle this issue ... so that our relations will develop in a sound and stable way," Qin said.
Associated Press writers Annie Huang and Debby Wu in Taipei and Gillian Wong in Beijing contributed to this report.
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V怪客 ( V for Vendetta )


V: Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration - whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, are celebrated with a nice holiday - I thought we could mark this November the fifth, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice...intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War. Terror. Disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler. He promised you order. He promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
Last night, I sought to end that silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Bailey to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words - they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek...then I ask you to stand beside me, one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament. And together, we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever, be forgot!
轉述 http://naiwen.pixnet.net/blog/post/5270314
Jun 14 Thu 2007 15:38
treason and plot I know of no reason, why the gunpowder
treason Should ever be forgot.
要說到V之前有個人物是得說一下,而為什麼要先提一下呢?因為或許有人會以為他是個萬惡不赦的大壞蛋,然而他其實……。蓋福克斯他是位在15 世紀末至16世紀初教導人民正確的思考方向,主張人民應該站起來為自己做主,位居上位者的應該以人民的意向做為政策的依歸。而到處奔波演講告知民眾民主自由的觀念。然而在那時期這個觀念實在太過新穎,常遭到民眾拒於門外。由於又受到皇室通緝以及宗教壓力下,於
回歸到V for Vendetta的影片中,藉由V我看到了現代版的蓋福克斯,為了民主自由、為了破除極權政府、為了讓受打壓的人民清醒,為了讓人民知道:「人民不應該害怕政府,政府才該畏懼人民」由開頭的1812序曲開起了一連串革命、革新。
就以我的觀點來看,我覺得V 不是個變態,也不是一個殺人不眨眼的怪物更不是恐怖份子,而是個真心的正義使者!就現況來講好了,假使政府行為已經讓人無法再忍受了,那真的會有人跳出來做革命先烈嗎?真的會有人跳出來成為某種角度的恐怖份子嗎?我覺得應該是不太可能,要不就是只是想佔版面耍嘴皮子罷了,然後就繼續放肆政府虎假虎威了。片中有句話說:「人們要的不會是一個建築物,而是希望。」
記得女主角在獄裡看到那小紙條上有說:「我即將死去,身體會腐爛,但我的心靈除外,我的精神不死,雖然我的心靈脆弱無助,卻是這世上唯一值得珍惜的東西,決不輕言放棄,決不讓他們奪走。」雖然V最後仍然死去,但相信經過數年仍然會有人會記得,記得那位從極權政府手中拿回人民該有的民主與自由。Remember, remember, the 5th of November.............