Chinese Digger
介紹我收集的學習中文和中文教學資料, 結合中文與數位教學,
Assistant Superintendent of Linden Public Schools Rocco G Tomazic, Ed.D. 告訴我們當老師必須注意的事項, 對於想當老師們的人士很有幫助。徵得他的同意, 以下是翻譯成中文的講稿投影片資料。
當老師是良心事業, 那些所謂的【壞】學生認為好的老師, 才是真正的【好】老師, 因為所謂的【好】學生, 太容易教了, 連我這半路出家的也可以教的不錯。 應該說, 所有的學生都是好的, 不夠好的老師才覺得有壞學生。
想當老師, 首先要問自己以下三個問題 Three questions to answer:
- 我能成功的在公立學校教學嗎? Can I teach successfully in the public schools
- 如果我有能力, 這樣的教學經驗, 能讓我覺得有成就感嗎? If I can, will the experience be rewarding for me?
- 如果我想試試看, 如何能讓我美夢成真? If I want to try, how do I go about making it happen?
- 學生的看法Student's Perspective
- 你為什麼要來這兒教? Why are you here?
- 你懂你所教的嗎? Do you know what you're teaching?
- 你值得我的信賴嗎? Can you be trusted and relied upon?
- 家長的看法 Parent's Perspective
- 你對所教的學科知識足夠嗎? Do you know your subject very well?
- 你能讓我的小孩學習和做好功課嗎? Can you make my student learn and work?
- 你能帶領我的小孩很快就瞭解你所教的學科嗎? Will you be able to bring my student learn and work?
- 校長的看法 Administrator's Perspective
- 你懂得怎麼教這個學科嗎? Do you know how to teach your subject?
- 你能管理好教室的秩序嗎? Can you manage your classroom?
- 你願意把學生的成敗當作自己的責任嗎? Are you willing to accept personal responsibility for your students' success?
- 你是否準備好要教學了? Are you prepared to teach?
- 徹底瞭解州政府的規定, 教學範圍, 和學區的教學規定 Read the state standards, state frameworks, district curriculum
- 寫出完整的教學計劃和清楚明確的教學目標 Write complete lesson plans with clear objectives
- 教學的方式要依照學生需要及與學校其他老師教學方式類同 Align your instructional style to that of the school and the needs of the students
- 每節課都自上課鍾響起開始, 一直教到下課鍾響; 不必點名浪費時間 Teach from bell to bell, first day to last
- 瞭解學區的評鑑哲理, 讓自己的課程與學區的目標相符 Understand the district's assessment philosophy and align your classes accordingly
- 教學資料沒準備夠, 在下課鍾響前就沒東西可教了 Show up for class with too little to do
- 跟學生討價還價的降低學科的標準 Make the "unholy bargain" with your students
- 讓自己教的學科變成不重要 Accept a "lower status" for your subject
- 對有意義的建議不願意調整自己的教學計劃 Be resistant to adjust your plans to meaningful feedback
- 認為沒有人聽得懂就用惡毒的語言 Use bad words in your classes
- 你是否能跟在學校中其他學科的老師們打成一片? Can you be accepted by the faculty?
- 讓別人知道你工作的很愉快 Express your pleasure of working in the school
- 請教其他老師他們第一年怎麼過的 Ask other teachers about their first year of teaching
- 除了正式的指導員外, 再找一個可以指導你教學的人 Find good mentors for advice, besides your formal mentor(s)
- 常常與校長溝通, 不必侷限於教學事務 Speak to the Principal often, and not just about business
- 尋求合作與整合解決方案 Seek to cooperate with integrated solutions
- 單獨吃午餐 Sit by yourself to eat lunch
- 跟著說其他老師的閒話 Gossip about other staff
- 向別的老師抱怨校長 Complain about administration with other teachers
- 跟學生聊學校的公事 Discuss school business with students
- 與其他語言學科公開競爭 Openly compete with the other world languages programs
- 你能管理好學生的行為嗎? Can you manage your students' behavior?
- 必須做的事: Do
- 以最快的速度記住學生的名字 Learn your students' names as quickly as possible
- 上課鍾一響, 就立刻讓學生開始有事做 Have something to do immediately as the bell rings
- 將搗蛋的學生分開, 單獨跟他們談談 Isolate trouble makers and work with them individually
- 清楚的告訴學生你上課的規矩 Clearly state your behavior standards and hold to them
- 跟家長溝通時, 先說好的事 Communicate with parents on good and bad - with good first
- 說做不到的事 Say things you won't really do
- 發脾氣 Lose your temper
- 當著其他同學的面羞辱某位學生 Try to humiliate a student in front of their friends
- 批評學生而不是學生的行為 Criticize the student; instead, criticize their behavior
- 用手觸碰學生 Put your hands on the students
- 在第一年試用期, 你如何做到所有州政府教學的規定? How can you fulfill all the requirements of your provisional year?
- 在教學的第一年, 完成200小時的教師培訓 If alternate route, finish the 200 seat hours of training during the first year
- 在觀察會議前, 詢問如何評鑑 Ask for and provide input for your three pre-observation conferences
- 在觀察會議後, 要求提供教學改進的地方 Actively participate in post-observation conferences for suggested areas of improvement
- 準備付$450到$550請指導員, 州政府是不會提供補助的(費用隨時間與州別會有不同) Expect to pay $550 and maybe $450 for mentors without a refund or state help
- 第一年完後, 如果教師合同不能續約, 可以請問校長是否仍然向州政府推薦自己 Work for a positive provisional year, even if not renewed
- 抱怨你的指導員 Complain about your mentor
- 弄不清指導員和校長的角色 Confuse the role of your mentor and the role of the Principal
- 當人問到你覺得自己的教學效率, 很謙虛的說自己不行 Be overly humble or overly brash if asked to assess your own teaching effectiveness
- 當學校行政人員忘記了第一年的評鑑, 自己並沒有提出疑慮; 通常是每十週就會被評鑑一次 Remain quiet if not observed/evaluated at the 10-week, 20-week and 30-week period
- 忽略了第一年的觀察和評鑑 Lose sight of the fact that during your first year you are being closely watch and evaluated
- 必須做的事: Do
- 千萬別做的事: Don't
- 必須做的事: Do
- 千萬別做的事: Don't
- 千萬別做的事: Don't
- 必須做的事: Do
- 千萬別做的事: Don't
問題: 老師是否可以跟學生說今天有人會來考察上課的情況呢? 答案是:可以的。